The Soul of Marriage
I often have the feeling as I go through the twenty-four hours of the day that man is becoming more and more two-dimensional, going through the motions of life and calling it living.
Immersed in Love
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet reflects on how to keep a marriage alive. Rodney Dangerfield once said: “My wife and I had 25 wonderful years — then we met.”
Women Speak: How can Mikvah Enhance my Marriage?
Researcher Dr Amelie Turgel takes a look at the impact that the observance of the Jewish laws of family purity may have on creating happy marriages. Read what the women who were interviewed talk about.
The Art of Transition
Mikvah has been discribed as a ‘capsule in timelessness’ Time is a finite concept and totally physical. The experience of Mikvah has no relation to physical bounds for it is totally a spiritual concept.